I think bullying is a very difficult problem to solve and can be found in our society. There are lots of kinds and types of bullying, students bullying at school, bullying at work,etc. It's very frequent at school nowadays. Normally the people who are suffering this, are people who are not the same as the other people. They don't wear, the same things, they don't listen to the music that everybody listens to . They are very shy people and they get low marks at school also people can bully them because of their physical apearience. I think these are some reasons why people are beeing bullied. The person who bullies others is maybe because he or she thinks that they are the best .Maybe they have problem in their homes and take their problems out on other people by doing this.
Ana R
How can we define the word "bullying"? Really we can't define it, because is not a word it is a feeling and sometimes it is a thing you must have expierenced. Nobody knows how the people who have been bullied feel. Nobody knows what he/she does when he comes home after a fight or a strong argument. My questions is why people bully others. I can't understand it, yes some people have told me that it might be that bullies have problems. But that doesn't give them the right to make unlivable another people's lives. The person who is being bullyied hate his or her life and most of time commite suicide. In my opinion the people around this person should help him or investigate if he/she is being bullyied because most of the time they are so shy or they're so frightened that they can't say it and ask for help.
Paula A
Now, bullying is one of the biggest problems in our society. At primary school and Highschools. Bullies are people who don't fit in. Boys and girls who are bullied are a type of student who don't say anything, they are quiet maybe they don't have the support of anybody and their parents don't know what to do with them. They feel very bad and they continue to be lonely. I know of a case is not exactly bullying but it is very similar. A girl said bad things about my class to people from another class everybody is angry with her. The class ignore her, she only wants to be the centre of attention. What ever happens at the High Schools she repports it to the teacher. Maybe this is a kind of bullying. I think that these problems don't have a solution if people's mentality doesn't change.
When I first heard the word bullying it was at High school, about three years ago. Then I didn't know anything about it, and like me, my friends didn't know anything either. Meanwhile thousands of teenagers are being bullied. Bullying can be physical, verbal, spreading rumors, excluding somebody, intimidation and cyber bullying. In my opinion, cyber bullying is one of the worst because anybody can get that information and it's quickly spread . Any kind of bullying can be bad, that's why a lot of teenagers take their lives, because they can't stand it any more. It is not true that "sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you". I've never been bullied and I've never seen people been sereously bullied. Maybe at my school some children laugh about a child and a lot of fights, but the next day they are all friends again I think that society has made bullying a taboo and we don't talk about it. In my opinion we should talk about it, and attack the problem to make it disapear. If you feel bullied you should tell someone because people can't help you if you don't ask for help. Society is not that kind.
I think that a bully is an unhappy person who makes another person miserable. Normally the person who is bullying may have problems at school or at home (financials problems, arguments with their parents, etc). There is a lot of types of bullying (face to face, cyberbullying, rumours) but I think the cyberbullying is the worst because the infotmation can go more quickly and more people will know about the bullying. A lot of people who are bullied don't say anything to an adult because they are afraid and when they do the adults say "That is a children thing" and don't do anything. In my opinion bullying is a bad thing that affect a lot of teenagers nowadays which should be solved.
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