Read the following situations and fill in one of the following verb forms:,
should, shouldn't, should have, shouldn't have , don't have to, doesn't have to, must, mustn't, must have.
It’s 8.15 and school starts at 8.00. Mother to son:
1 You be at school at this time.
2 You skip school, it’s bad for your education. It's also against the rules.
3 You got up so late.
4 You take a bus, I’ll drive you to school.
5 You go to bed earlier at night. You'd feel more relaxed in the morning.
1. should 2. mustn't
3. shouln't have 4. don't have to
5. should
Tom looks very pale and tired.
1 He studied a lot today.
2 He rest a little before supper. It would do him good.
3 He study so hard, he knows his lessons very well.
4 He gone out for a walk in the middle of the afternoon.
5 He try to be less scared of tests. He wouldn't suffer so much.
6 He be very worried about tomorrow’s Maths test.
1. must have 2. should
3. don't have to 4. should have
5.should 6. must
Jerry said he would invite me to his party but he didn’t.

1 He make false promises.
2 You’re such a fun at parties, he invited you.
3 You get offended, he may have forgotten to ring you up.
4 You think there’s something wrong with you. It was Jerry’s mistake.
5 If you don’t go to his party, you buy him a present. That is an advantage!
1. shouldn't 2. should have
3. shouldn't 4. mustn't
5. don't have to
Look, there’s going to be a terrible storm soon.

1 We hurry home. I think it would be better and safer.
2 We brought an umbrella. We could have walked in the rain.
3 We stand under a tree. It’s too dangerous.
4 Look, there’s a man selling umbrellas. We absolutely buy one.
5 We pay very much. I think 5 dollars will be enough.
1. should 2. should have
3. mustn't 4. must
5. don't have
The house smells of smoke. It’s terrible.

1 Tom is in his room, he be smoking and he never closes the door.
2 He smoke so much. It’s bad for his health.
3 He smoked at least 10 cigarettes since this morning.
4 You told him that he could smoke in his bedroom.
5 He try to give up this bad habit.
1. must 2. shouldn't
3. must have 4. shouldn't have
5 should
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